Lectures on Magnetic Resonance courses
„Dragi colegi,
Speram sa va trezim interesul pentru Cursurile organizate de Societatea Europeana de Rezonanta Magnetica aplicata in Biologie si Medicina (ESMRMB) in anul 2016.
Aceste Cursuri constau in prezentari ale principiilor de lucru de catre experti recunoscuti in domeniul Rezonantei Magnetice dar pun foarte mult accent pe exercitiul practic al fiecarui cursant in cadrul cursului.
Dupa cum puteti vedea rasfoind tematicile cursurilor propuse pentru 2016 subiectele sunt preponderen tehnice – constructie de bobine de radiofrecventa, creare de secvente de ecou etc. – dar exista si subiecte atractive pentru medici precum cursul organizat de Institutul Max-Planck „Quantitative MRI for characterising brain tissue microstructure” sau cel organizat de Universitatea
Tehnica din Viena „In vivo MR spectroscopy: Basic and advanced strategies„.
Aceste cursuri sunt si o excelenta ocazie de a crea retele de colaborare cu alti participanti sau cu expertii deja consacrati in domeniile respective.
Cu cele mai bune urari de succes in activitatea Dvs.,
Victor Mihalache”
Dear Prof. Mihalache,
We are contacting you on behalf of the ESMRMB – the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology.
As you know, the ESMRMB aims to support educational activities and research in the field of MRI.
Especially our Lectures on Magnetic Resonance courses supply the demand of teaching courses in the field of MR imaging, diffusion, perfusion, spectroscopy and RF engineering, as well as aspects of applications of these techniques in clinical and biochemical research and development.
As we endeavour to offer the best educational course programme as possible, dedicated towards the needs of MR physicists and other basic scientists working in a clinical or research environment, we are eager to reach a wide audience.
In agreement with the ISMRM, we are very pleased to take the next step in drawing your attention towards our Lectures on MR course schedule 2016 and to kindly ask for your support to promote this course programme.
The ESMRMB is hosting 8 educational courses all over Europe with the focus on providing the most varied field of expertise as possible.
In this regards, we would like to kindly request your kind assistance and consideration in supporting our courses by announcing these on your website. You can find the whole course programme enclosed.
Furthermore, we would highly appreciate to promote our courses in your newsletter, if available and possible.
In return to your kind support, we would be pleased to offer the possibility to post your events on our ESMRMB Event Calendar in order to cooperate with you on a mutually beneficial basis.
We are very much looking forward to hearing from you!
Thank you very much for your kind cooperation in advance.
Best wishes,
Elena Skocek